Thistle has a family

Dear children, I’m sure you remember a little dog named Thistle who lived on the street and never had anyone. His home was just a small shoebox. When he went to the park one spring day, he heard a cry for help. The little cat was stuck in a tall tree and was afraid to come down. And it was Thistle the dog who bravely helped the little red cat. And today we’ll find out how this story continues.

Thistle gently placed the little cat on the grass as they jumped down from the tree. But the little cat was still trembling in fear. Although Thistle was wilted and a little dirty and his fur was more grey with dirt than brown, he still held on to the little cat to hug her and comfort her.

“Don’t worry, you’re safe now,” Thistle barked, warming the cat with his own body.

“Thank you, you’re my hero!” meowed the cat, resting her head on the dog.

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Thistle has a family

“There you are!! My little kitty Lily! I finally found you!” A little blonde girl ran up to Thistle and the cat. She took the little cat in her arms and began stroking her red fur. The little girl was very happy that she had finally found her little cat that had run away.

It was only now that Thistle realized that the pink collar the cat was wearing around its neck meant that the cat had a home.

“And who are you?” The little girl asked Thistle, the dog who had rescued her cat. But Thistle was afraid of the little girl. He didn’t trust people very much, so he just stared sadly at the little girl and wagged his tail shyly. But the little girl was not afraid of him, she came closer and stroked the dog’s back.

She noticed that Thistle had no collar and that he was all dirty. The little girl did not mind, however, and continued to pet the dog. She saw that her cat Lily liked the dog.

“Mummy, Mummy, can we take him home?” The little girl ran up to her mother and pointed to Thistle, who was still squatting shyly under the tree.

Mommy thought and thought and finally agreed. But she told the little girl that a dog is a big responsibility and that she must take care of him honestly. The little girl cheerfully agreed. Although she did not know about Thistle’s heroic act, she was determined to keep the dog.

Mommy took Lily the cat in her arms, and the little girl picked up Thistle in a blanket and took him to her car. Then they took the dog to the vet, who checked him over and gave him vaccinations to make sure he was healthy. Although Thistle the dog was very scared, Lily the cat trusted her little girl, so the little dog decided that he would trust her too.

Then the family went home. There, Thistle realized that he finally had a home. The little girl proved to him every day how much she loved him. Although the little dog was scared at first, the little girl tried to make sure that Thistle was well. She fed him, threw him balls, they swam together in the pool and had many adventures. Together with Lily the cat and a little girl called Terezka, they formed an inseparable group.

And so Thistle finally got what he really needed and was looking for – a home and love.

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