The Wolf and the Crane

Once upon a time there was a wolf. All the animals were very afraid of him because he loved to hunt them. Once the wolf ate a rabbit, but the bone got stuck in its neck. He couldn’t take it out himself. He had no choice but to cry out and beg for help. But all the animals were afraid of him and none of them was willing to help him. Finally, the wolf met a wise old crane.

“Crane, please, I have a bone stuck in my neck. Help me,” begged the wolf.

The crane overcame his fear of the wolf, because he felt sorry for him, and stuck his head down the wolf’s throat. With his long beak he pulled out the bone that was hanging in the wolf’s throat.

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The Wolf and the Crane

As soon as the bone was out, the wolf was relieved and immediately forgot all about it. He even forgot that he should pay the crane for his service. He even became angry with the crane.

“Crane, how come you’re not afraid of me? Don’t you know who I am? I am the most terrible wolf far and wide, who will eat anyone he meets. And yet you want me to pay you? You scoundrel. You’d tell everybody you had your head in a wolf’s mouth and survived. No, I won’t let that happen. I’d rather eat you right now.”

“All right, wolf,” says the crane. “I see you’ve quickly forgotten the good I’ve done for you. But the next time you get a bone in your throat, no one will help you. Remember how afraid everyone was of you. I was the only one who could overcome my fear and pull the bone out.”

The wolf scratched behind his ear. The crane was right.

“All right then,” the wolf grumbled reluctantly. “But you have to promise me right here that whenever I need help, you’ll come and pull the bone out of my neck again.”

“Yes, I will. But you must pay me for my service,” Crane replied.

The wolf was reluctant, but he paid after all. He knew very well that otherwise he would be left without help next time. And he feared for his life. The wise crane also knew that the one who hurts others is the biggest coward and is afraid for his life.

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