A little mosquito was flitting about the countryside. He liked to fly over the ponds where he could look at his reflection. This mosquito was very conceited. As he flew past a fly that was resting in the shade, he fluffed up his snout and the few hairs on his head.
“I must be looking good, that fly must be thinking what a handsome man I am,” the mosquito was saying to himself.
But the fly didn’t care about the mosquito, it continued to munch on a rotten apple in the shade, only thinking about eating. But the mosquito didn’t know that and so he kept on showing off.
But it is quite tiring to look beautiful when you are flying in the wind. So the mosquito got tired and decided to rest.
“Where can I sit down for a while?” the mosquito thought, looking around when suddenly he saw a bull standing in the pasture.
“That one has nice big horns, it will be good to sit there,” said the mosquito to himself and immediately sat on the bull’s horn. “Such a privilege to the big animal below me that I am sitting on him.”
When the mosquito had rested, he got up and thought he might as well say goodbye to the animal.
“Now that I have rested, bull, I will fly again,” said the mosquito, and circled before the bull’s eyes.
“Fly,” the bull roared. “I don’t care. I didn’t even know you were here, so why should I care if you fly away again?”
Mosquito frowned. So the dumb bull hadn’t even noticed? Mosquito snorted and flew away. On the way, he suddenly realized that maybe he wasn’t as important as he thought.