The frogs who wished for a king

Once there were frogs living in a pond. They had a very good time there, they didn’t miss anything, so they got bored and started making up all sorts of nonsense. Once they thought they should have a king. They immediately started croaking loudly to get the attention of the god Zeus. 

Zeus heard the loud croaking, parted the clouds and looked at the pond. The frogs were hopping around and shouting loudly to the sky.

“What’s going on here? Why are you croaking so much?” asked Zeus.

“We would like to have our own king to rule us,” replied the frogs.

So Zeus just shrugged his shoulders and sent them a king. He was so big that when he hit the surface of the pond, there was a deafening splash. The frogs were so frightened that they hid under the water. 

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The frogs who wished for a king

For several days, the pond was unusually quiet. The frogs hid under the water, afraid to come out. It was only after a few days that one of the frogs got brave and came out of the water. A large log was floating on the surface.

“Our king is really big,” she croaked.

Slowly, one by one, the curious frogs came to look too. They jumped up on the log and examined it carefully. Then they started hopping on it, slapping it with their feet and mocking it. 

“Mr. King, you’re a lazy pudge,” giggled the frogs.

Zeus saw it from heaven and just shook his head. Stupid frogs, they can’t behave, he thought, but let it go.

So the frogs amused themselves for a few days before the log bored them. And they began to croak their prayers and call upon the god Zeus again.

Zeus looked down at the frogs, very annoyed that they were waking him from his sleep so early.

“Well, what is it again? Can’t you tell your pleas to your king?” Zeus said angrily.

“Mighty Zeus, our king is useless,” the frogs complained. “He’s terribly lazy, does nothing and makes no decisions. Besides, he’s too good, he doesn’t punish anyone, is this supposed to be a king?”

“All right, I’ll send you another king,” Zeus decided. 

And what he promised, he delivered. He sent a stork to the frogs. The stork was not the best king the frogs imagined. He chased them and tried to eat them. The frogs couldn’t even walk through the reeds without fear. Everywhere a hungry stork was waiting to catch them in its beak.

“Zeus, Zeus, quack, quack, help us!” cried the frogs again, but Zeus was very angry with them. 

They thought the first king was too gentle and lazy, so now they should have a bad king if they didn’t want a good one.

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