About Disobedient Goats

In a lovely little house by the forest there lived a goat with her baby goats. The goats were very mischievous and often did not want to obey their mother. One day the mother goat had to go out to graze and before leaving she told the baby goats, “Keep the door closed until you hear my voice. I’ll bring you an udder full of milk.”

The goat went far away to graze, which this time was spotted by the wolf. “Ha! And the baby goats are unattended in the house,” he licked his lips. The goat was already in the distance when the wolf appeared at the cottage. He knocked on the door and said in a gruff voice, “Kids, open the door. I’m your mother.” The goats got scared and stopped frolicking. There was something strange about the voice, it wasn’t mommy, it was the wolf. “Don’t open the door, you’re a wolf, not our mommy. Our mommy has a nicer voice. Gentle and kind.”

Bedtimestories About disobedient goats
Fairy tale for children – About disobedient goats

The wolf realised that the baby goats were not so easily tricked and ran to the blacksmith, “Blacksmith, blacksmith, work my tongue so I have a soft voice or I’ll eat you!” The blacksmith was afraid of the wolf, so he ground his tongue so that he would speak with a soft voice. 

And so the wolf ran to the cottage again, calling out in a soft voice: “Kids, open the door. I am your mother.” But the little goats were cautious to open the door, “If you are our mother, show us your white paw.” But the wolf only had a grey, hairy paw with big claws, he had nothing to show.

The wolf didnt give up though and went straight to the miller, “Miller, miller, wrap my paws with flour, or I will eat you!” The miller was afraid of the wolf, so he covered his paws with white flour.

After a while the wolf knocked on the door again, “Kids, open the door. I am your mother.” And he waved his fuzzy paw in front of the window. The little goats approached the window and looked out. And what did they see! There was a wolf outside the window! The little goats quickly closed the shutters and locked the door. The wolf was very angry and upset. He growled and howled. But it was no use, the goats had seen through all his tricks and he had no choice but to return to the forest. 

Soon the mother goat came home. The baby goats were still trembling with fear and told their mother about the bad wolf. She was very happy that this time the baby goats listened to her. She was proud of her obedient children! And the wolf? He never came to the house again.

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