The Crow and the Pitcher

It was a hot summer day. The crow was flying around the countryside, just returning home, he was very hot. The midday sun was beating down on his black feathers and the crow soon became thirsty.

He was looking for water, but saw none. Water was scarce everywhere during the long summer. Until suddenly something flashed. Could it be water?

The crow swooped down and saw a pitcher. There was still enough water in the bottom to quench his thirst. He sat down on the ground beside it and stuck his beak in. But he couldn’t reach the bottom. 

“What now?” He croaked to himself. “I may have water, but the pitcher is deep and I can’t reach it.”

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The Crow and the Pitcher

Crow wondered what to do now. Keep looking for water somewhere else? He was too tired and thirsty for that. Overturn the pitcher? That would spill the water and the water would soak into the ground. Still the crow kept hoping. Surely he’d figure out how to reach the water somehow. 

That’s when the crow got the idea. There were small rounded pebbles lying around. The crow took one in his beak and threw it into the jug. It tinkled and the water level rose a little. At that moment, the crow knew he was on the right track. He threw pebble after pebble into the pitcher until the water was pushed up to the neck of the pitcher. Now, at last, the crow could drink to his heart’s content. 

Once his thirst was quenched, the clever crow could return to the sky and fly on towards his home. He knew that whatever happened along the way, he would be able to handle it. Crows are clever and resourceful. This crow teaches all the little crows today that they should not give up when things go wrong, but think and find ways to cope in every situation.

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