Smiling and clever patient Sara

Short Bedtime Stories - Smiling and clever patient Sara

Once upon a time there was a big building at the end of our town. It had lots of windows and about three floors. It was grey and at first glance it looked sad. It was a children’s hospital where sick children went. Some were there for a while, they just needed to be treated and could go home, others had to stay for days because they were too sick. Some were even brought in by ambulance. Sara was one of those children.

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Little Edith who knew what to do

Short Fairy Tales for Children - Little Edith who knew what to do

You don’t see many animals in the city. You’re more likely to see cars, motorbikes, scooters, lots of people and children playing. But occasionally, you can find a wild animal in the city. For example, you can sometimes see birds’ nests in the trees. They’ll find a tall tree with forked branches. They carefully place branch after branch and leaf after leaf until they have a comfortable and solid nest. One such tree, where the birds lived, stood right in front of Edith’s house.

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Carnival in kindergarten

Short Stories for Children - Carnival in kindergarten

Once upon a time there was a kindergarten on the edge of a small town, where a cheerful little girl named Elis went. The little girl had lots of friends at the kindergarten and looked forward to going there every morning. One day the teacher told them the big news. “Dear children, sit down nicely, I have news for you! Bring your masks, we’re going to have a carnival!” the teacher told them cheerfully. The kindergarten children started dancing for joy! They were very excited about the upcoming carnival.

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The story of Curious George

Bedtime Fairy Tales - The story of Curious George

Once upon a time there was a small cottage. In this wooden cottage at the end of the village lived a little curious boy named George. The boy was interested in everything. But his favourite place was the forest, where he could explore the beauty of nature. Every time his mother went to the market and his father to work in the fields, they would give George the task of cleaning the cottage and gathering herbs, raspberries or blackberries in the nearby forest. 

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A tale about sad Tessie

Short Bedtime Stories - A tale about sad Tessie

Winter was over. The green grass started to grow everywhere, flowers bloomed in the meadows. The sun was getting warmer and warmer. In the kindergarten outside the window there sat Tessie, a little girl with fair hair, rosy cheeks and blue eyes that looked like wells. She always cheered up all the children in the kindergarten with her sweet smile. But she hasn’t been laughing much lately, and not at all today. She was looking sadly out of the window, her head leaning towards her hands and her eyes completely glassy, as if she wanted to cry.

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Skilled car mechanic Patrik

Bedtime Stories - Skilled car mechanic Patrik

Patrik was a small-town boy. He lived in a cozy house with his dad. They had a big garage next to their house and sign hanging above the garage that said, “The best mechanic in town.” Patrick’s daddy used to fix cars in the garage. People from all over the neighborhood would come to him with their cars because he could fix just about anything. Patrik always watched his daddy at work. He learned from him. Even when he was just a little boy, he was very handy and could fix a lot of things on his own.

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Thief on the farm

Short Bedtime Stories - Thief on the farm

In a place very very far from here, beyond the deep woods, there was a farmhouse. Around it there were large fields. Potatoes and corn were grown on them. Several animals lived on this farm. There were sheep in the barn, a large dog kept watch by the shed, there were horses in the stables, and chickens and ducks ran around the yard. An old and wise farmer took care of them all. He was already a grandfather, but he still had plenty of work to do. Every holiday his grandson Paulie used to visit him. He helped his grandfather take care of the animals and the whole farm. He had many adventures on the farm. But one was the most exciting of all.

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