The Lost Ball

Stories for Children - The Lost Ball

It was the holidays, the sun was shining outside and little boy Matty didn’t know what else to play with. Today he had played with everything – cars, legos, he rode a balance bike, played a hopscotch, swinging on a swing, slid on a slide and there were some other things he couldn’t even remember. He would love to play Pairs with his mommy, but she’s making lunch. She promised him she would play with him after she finishes making lunch. He was looking forward to it. But what will he do until then?

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Aladdin and the Magic Lamp

Short Fairy Tales for Children - Aladdin and the Magic Lamp

Once upon a time in a far-off land there lived a poor boy. His name was Aladdin. Every day he walked through the markets among the people, he liked the hustle and bustle and he loved to look at all the beautiful things the merchants offered. But he could only look, for he and his mother were poor and could not afford any of it.

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