How Bubsy the bear got honey

Bedtime Stories - How Bubsy the bear got honey

When spring began, various animals started to wake up from their winter sleep. One of them was the big bear Bubsy. All winter long he had been sleeping in his hidden den. But when the winter was over, he came out, stretched and looked for something to eat. He got a huge appetite for honey. But he had no idea what he’d have to do to enjoy it.

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Racing Teddy Bear Mickey

A Bedtimestory - Racing Teddy Bear Mickey

One day a little bear, whom everyone called Misha, was walking in the forest. He hummed as he walked, hopped here and there, watched the squirrels in the trees and when there was a big stick on the forest path, he put it aside. He liked these walks very much. He walked at his own pace. Sometimes he rested in the moss and enjoyed the pleasant peace that was in the woods. One day when Mickey was sitting by a tree during a walk like this, something surprised him.

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How Barbara met the bear

Fairy Tale For Children - How Barunka met the bear

Beyond several villages and several rivers there was a deep forest. There were trees that had lots of leaves but also those who had needles. In the middle of this forest there was a feeder and a short distance from it there was a  high seat. This is a kind of small lookout where the hunter goes to watch the animals and keep an eye on what is happening in the forest.

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How children made friends with bears

Tales for Reading - How Children Made Friends With Bears

There was a beautiful town far away. There were so many little houses that they had to stand very close together. One next to the other. Lots of people lived there, but most of all there were children. There were several in every family. Most of them knew each other. They visited each other, played together, went on trips together, went to school together. In this town, there was even a beautiful playground. The kids took very good care of it. Every night when they went home, they cleaned it up.

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Teddy Bear Librarian

Tales for Reading - Teddy Bear Librarian

In the middle of a small village stood a beautiful park. There were beautiful trees growing there, a small stream running through it, and various paths leading everywhere, where one could have a nice walk. All the children loved to go there. If you walked down one of those paths all the way to the middle of the park, you would find the best thing there was.

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