Little Edith who knew what to do

Short Fairy Tales for Children - Little Edith who knew what to do

You don’t see many animals in the city. You’re more likely to see cars, motorbikes, scooters, lots of people and children playing. But occasionally, you can find a wild animal in the city. For example, you can sometimes see birds’ nests in the trees. They’ll find a tall tree with forked branches. They carefully place branch after branch and leaf after leaf until they have a comfortable and solid nest. One such tree, where the birds lived, stood right in front of Edith’s house.

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The ant called Loney

Short Stories for Children - The ant called Loney

In the middle of a deep forest there is a small mound of needles, small twigs and dirt. And if you look closely, it looks like the whole pile is moving. It’s an anthill. All around and on that little hill, you’ll see tiny, hard-working ants, always marching somewhere. Ants are like one big family. They help each other, they work together and they do everything together. But it wasn’t always like that in this anthill.

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A ghost named Luna

Fairy Tales for Children - A ghost named Luna

Luna was a special little girl. She lived among the ghosts and she herself was a cute little ghost. Her red hair was always completely disheveled, her cheeks were dirty and her clothes seemed to be sewn together from all sorts of brightly colored pieces of clothing. You could tell at a glance that she wasn’t like the other kids. But Luna wanted so much to have friends among normal children, even though her mother was a ghost and her father was a ghost, too. Although she went to school with the other ghosts, she was still longing for the world of ordinary kids who weren’t ghosts.

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Good fairies Elisa and Elvina

Short Stories for Children - Good fairies Elisa and Elvina

When the sun rises in the morning and illuminates the whole earth, something strange appears in the sky. A little cloud floats in the sky, fluffy like a cloud and looking like cotton candy. Other clouds are white or blue, but this one is a pinkish colour. That’s because it’s magical. It’s got two fairy-tale beings sitting on it. They’re fairies. One is called Elisa and the other is called Elvina.

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The bat who was scared

Short Bedtime Stories - The bat who was scared

When the whole forest is dark and the moon and stars appear in the sky, night falls. All the animals in the forest snuggle into their dens and go to sleep. They must regain their strength for the day ahead. But there are some animals that begin to live at night. They sleep during the day. When dusk approaches, they wake up. They open their little eyes and begin their night life.

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On the racetrack

Short Bedtime Stories - On the racetrack

Far outside our village there was a race track. Every year there were car races there. The best race cars anyone had ever seen went there. Their speed was unbelievable. A lot of people came to watch them every time. Everybody watching and cheering in their seats for their favourites. Near the racetrack there were non-racing cars. There was a smaller fire truck and an ambulance parked there. But the fire truck was too unhappy.

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How Bubsy the bear got honey

Bedtime Stories - How Bubsy the bear got honey

When spring began, various animals started to wake up from their winter sleep. One of them was the big bear Bubsy. All winter long he had been sleeping in his hidden den. But when the winter was over, he came out, stretched and looked for something to eat. He got a huge appetite for honey. But he had no idea what he’d have to do to enjoy it.

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