The story I’m about to tell you happened a long time ago. It’s about a little girl who discovered that friendship is one of the most important things in the world. And that you find friends where you least expect it.
Continue reading →Short fairy tales
When Scaredy stopped being afraid
In a beautiful wooden house, upstairs in the attic in the childrens room, a little boy was sleeping. His hair was as brown as chestnuts and his eyes as blue as a well. He was a good boy, but every night he was scared. He was afraid of the dark and the sounds that came from the attic. He was even afraid of the sound of the brook that was near their house. That’s why no one called him anything but “Scaredy”. He was afraid of everything.
Continue reading →The Little Fairy and the Wicked Witch
In the middle of a deep forest there stood a small wooden cottage. It looked very old. It had holes in the roof, its windows and doors creaked, and it was all dirty. In this little cottage lived a witch. She was an old woman with a big nose and a wart. But the worst part wasn’t what she looked like, it was what she was. She was very bad. She talked bad about others, lied and made things up so that all the people in the forest wouldn’t like her. But one day she met someone who made her think about her behavior.
Continue reading →Two princesses
Once upon a time, beyond the seven rivers and seven mountains there stood a kingdom. In it lived a wise king and his queen. Together they had two daughters. Both princesses were very beautiful and clever. They both had long hair that waved beautifully. They always wore beautiful dresses. They smiled at everyone and were very friendly and kind. They loved to go into the garden and sing and dance among the trees and flowers. They were very good at it. When they were dancing, it looked like they weren’t touching the ground. They did everything with joy and complete ease.
Continue reading →How Greg met the white lady
In the distance on a high hill there stood a castle. Here and there a piece of the wall was missing, in some places it was quite battered and no one lived in it. It was more like a castle ruin. Sometimes some tourists went to see it. They’d go through all its corridors, look at all its walls, and then they’d leave. No one knew what secrets the castle held. No one knew what is happening there when it gets dark.
Continue reading →How Billy and Owie camped
There was a beautiful villa in a small town nearby. This is a house that is bigger than the others and usually several families live in it. Two boys lived in this villa with their parents. Owie and Billy. They were best friends. Billy lived on the first floor and Owie on the ground floor. Every time Billy went somewhere, he’d slide down the banister and land right in front of Owie’s door. They went everywhere together. They played games together and together they came up with ideas. There was a beautiful garden around their villa. The lawn was completely soft and they had a lot of space for their games. They loved to play in the garden.
Continue reading →How children made friends with bears
There was a beautiful town far away. There were so many little houses that they had to stand very close together. One next to the other. Lots of people lived there, but most of all there were children. There were several in every family. Most of them knew each other. They visited each other, played together, went on trips together, went to school together. In this town, there was even a beautiful playground. The kids took very good care of it. Every night when they went home, they cleaned it up.
Continue reading →The snowman
In a faraway land where it snows all year round and in the highest mountains, a story I want to tell you took place. It happened a long time ago. There is a mountain that is the highest in the world. People don’t go there. There’s piles of snow and sometimes there’s an avalanche. That means that some of the snow gets loose somewhere, and then all of it slides down the mountain. Even if there were no people living on the mountain, there was still some life. A snowman lived there.
Continue reading →Teddy Bear Librarian
In the middle of a small village stood a beautiful park. There were beautiful trees growing there, a small stream running through it, and various paths leading everywhere, where one could have a nice walk. All the children loved to go there. If you walked down one of those paths all the way to the middle of the park, you would find the best thing there was.
Continue reading →Even someone small can do great things
In the middle of a deep forest stood a stump. It was the only one far and wide. Around it grew ferns and here and there a mushroom appeared. Every evening, a fairy sat on that stump. She was very small. When an adult walked by, all he could see was a little light on the stump. But he couldn’t tell it was a fairy.
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