The Wagon Who Put The Brake On

The Wagon Who Put The Brake On

There’s this one city where a huge number of trains travel back and forth every day. So many trains, in fact, that there are railroad tracks all over the city. Trains crisscross the city all the time. They go over hills and mountains, through valleys and past meadows. They deliver cargo, transport people, and direct transportation for the entire city. Each train knows exactly where it should go and at what time. No train is ever late. But it hasn’t always been like that.

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Flora The Fairy And Floof the Bunny

Flora The Fairy And Floof The Bunny

When spring comes, meadows start sparkling with all sorts of colors. During this time, grass is the greenest it can be and pretty, colorful flowers appear all around. Some of them stand straight as a flagpole, others turn with the sun, and other still are slightly bent and hang down like bells. If you take a good look into the flowers’ blossoms, you will see a small fairy jump among them.

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Little Anette On Holiday

Little Anette On Holiday

Near a dark forest, there stood a small cottage. A grandfather and a grandmother lived in it. Each holiday, their granddaughter Anette came to visit them. A little girl with brown hair as straight as nails and an enchanting smile. She spent every free day at her grandmother’s and grandfather’s cottage. But one holiday, something happened that Anette would never forget.

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Liddie and her forest adventure

Liddie And Her Forest Adventure

Liddie was a blond girl who spent most of her time in the forest. She liked to read there, have a rest, and put various treats in the feeding racks for deer. She loved it when she could simply lay down on moss, smell the scent of mushrooms, and sample the forest berries that grew all around. But one day Liddie met someone she’d never seen in the forest before. Actually, she hadn’t even known that someone like that existed.

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Macy’s Lesson: Sometimes You Don’t Get What You Want

Macys Lesson Sometimes You Dont Get What You Want

Once upon a time, in the heart of Austin, Texas, there was a small kindergarten in a friendly neighborhood. The school was filled with joyful children who loved to learn and play together. Among these children, there was a young girl named Macy. She was a sweet and kind girl who always got what she wanted from her parents, and she loved to show off her new things to her classmates.

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Fawn named Felix

Fawn Named Felix

Autumn was ending and winter was about to start at any moment. Forest animals were gathering their last stores of food, while others were making their dens more comfortable and ready for winter hibernation. A little fawn named Felix lived in the forest as well. He had been born several months ago, so he hadn’t experienced winter yet. But he really liked autumn. He kept on jumping in the fallen leaves and tossing pinecones around. The leaves were so soft and so pretty and colorful!

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The Fairytale Grandfather

The Fairytale Grandfather

In a land far, far away, there stood a cottage. It looked like a gingerbread house, but it wasn’t one. It was made completely from wood. Its windows were painted, and fragrant wood smoke always rose from its chimney. Inside this cottage lived a fairytale grandfather. He was the best at telling fairytales. Children and animals from far and wide would come to him to listen to his stories.

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