Once there was a family of unicorns living in a rainbow meadow. Right next to the meadow they had a field with carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, peas and other vegetables that all unicorns love to eat to stay healthy. All of them, except the biggest unicorn and the leader of the herd, who liked to call himself Sweethorn. He loved sweets. He liked to sneak into town and be fed candy, chocolate and cookies by the children. If he had to eat vegetables at home, he refused.
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Unicorn Blush and her new home
Hello! My name is Blush and I am a unicorn. Actually, I’m a girl. Today I’m going to my new home with my new master. He is a wizard who already has two other unicorns in his magical forest. I’m really looking forward to seeing them. I’m sure we’ll be friends in no time and we’ll be one big group.
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