Little Mermaid

Stories for Children - Little Mermaid

Once upon a time, far away in the deep ocean where the water was very clear and blue, a king ruled the underwater world and the sea people. In the underwater world, beautiful trees and colorful flowers grew. There were also beautiful animals and all kinds of fish. The sea people lived in harmony.

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The elf who frowned a lot

Fairy Tales for Children - The elf who frowned a lot

There was a tiny village in the deep black forest. It was hidden among the moss and ferns. You couldn’t see it with the naked eye. One could only see it if one knelt down, was completely silent, and looked hard into the ferns. Then he might have seen a small village where the elves lived. There were several of them. They worked hard, they were cheerful and always singing as they worked. But one of them wasn’t like that. His name was Gloom. He wasn’t mean, he just rarely laughed and his most common words were: “No, I don’t want to, I don’t like it.”

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Good fairies Elisa and Elvina

Short Stories for Children - Good fairies Elisa and Elvina

When the sun rises in the morning and illuminates the whole earth, something strange appears in the sky. A little cloud floats in the sky, fluffy like a cloud and looking like cotton candy. Other clouds are white or blue, but this one is a pinkish colour. That’s because it’s magical. It’s got two fairy-tale beings sitting on it. They’re fairies. One is called Elisa and the other is called Elvina.

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The Little Fairy and the Wicked Witch

Tale for Reading - The Little Fairy And The Wicked Witch

In the middle of a deep forest there stood a small wooden cottage. It looked very old. It had holes in the roof, its windows and doors creaked, and it was all dirty. In this little cottage lived a witch. She was an old woman with a big nose and a wart. But the worst part wasn’t what she looked like, it was what she was. She was very bad. She talked bad about others, lied and made things up so that all the people in the forest wouldn’t like her. But one day she met someone who made her think about her behavior.

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