A Pack Of Dogs In Alaska

A Pack Of Dogs In Alaska

Far from here, in a land called Alaska, there lived a pack of dogs. It wasn’t an ordinary pack of dogs. These dogs had strong bonds among them; they worked together and had saved one another’s lives many times. These dogs have an extraordinary job. Each of them wears a special harness. Not just a simple leash; it’s a harness which connects all the dogs in the pack. Together, they pull a sleigh behind them, and on that sleigh stands their master and his cargo.

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The Story Of the Polar Bear

The Story Of The Polar Bear

In the land of icebergs and snow, there lived a polar bear. He was a bit of a loner. He didn’t need friends or a polar bear wife. He was happy to live alone. He rode on ice floes, rolled around in the snow, and swam in the icy water. He did what he wanted, when he wanted, and he was happy that he didn’t have to take care of anyone. But one day something happened that changed the bear forever.

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The Lazy Lion

The Lazy Lion

In a faraway wilderness there lived a family of lions. Mommy lion, daddy lion, and two lion cubs. They were two boys. Each was completely different, even though they were born on the same day. One lion was playful and wild, always trying to learn everything. He always stuck to his mommy, watching her hunt, guard her cubs, and be brave. The other lion cub was incredibly lazy. It just slept, lay around, and waited for his mommy lioness to bring him some food.

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Yellow and his dream

Yellow And His Dream

Once upon a time there was a little duckling. His name was Yellow and he lived by a small lake full of happy little fish. From the moment Yellow first saw the sun, he was always alone. He only vaguely remembered his little brothers and sisters. His friends were just small, playful fish who always helped him and taught him everything.

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Shark Bay

Shark Bay

There was an island in a faraway land. Around it, far and wide, only the sea. Its waves crashed against the rocks that rose on one side of the island. On the other was the beach. Under the rocks the water was very deep and in that depth there was a home of sharks.

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About a finicky cat

About A Finicky Cat

Bělinka was a very finicky young cat. She had a brother, Mourek, who was exemplary. His parents Micinka and Macík were proud of him. They also liked Bělinka, but it bothered them how finicky their daughter was. They didn’t know what to do, so they asked a grandmother, Micinka’s mother.

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How Dr. Woodpecker knew how to deal with Mrs. Pine

How Dr. Woodpecker Knew How To Deal With Mrs. Pine

Dr. Woodpecker lived in the forest and he was frequently visited by animals with various ailments. Although he mainly treated trees, he was always able to deal with sick forest animals. One day, the Kráčmerka jay fly to him. There was nothing missing, but she was out of breath and had to exhale before she was able to get the word out. Then she began begging Dr. Woodpecker to fly quickly to Mrs. Pine with her. Something is bothering her and no one knows what to do. The Woodpecker was their hope that Pine would recover. So he packed his medical case and flew with the jay to that place.

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