Once upon a time there was a woman who lived in a simple house with two daughters. Helen was her own and Mary was her stepdaughter. Helen had no work to do, she just lazed around all day and dreamed of a rich groom coming for her. But Mary was something else. She did all the work in the house, and she was good at everything.
Continue reading →Short Bedtime Stories
Fairy tales for children, young and old to read. Enjoy online fairy tales by different authors. Feel free to post comments, send pictures, share links over the internet.
Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs
In a great kingdom, a queen was sitting at the window of a castle, embroidering. It was winter and snowflakes were flying outside. The winter landscape was beautiful, and the queen opened her window and looked out. For a moment she forgot that she was holding a needle and pricked her finger as she leaned out of the window.
Continue reading →The wolf and the lamb
Once upon a time, there was a small, stubborn lamb in a large flock. It was always happy because it did what it wanted. It was small and cute, so any trouble was soon forgiven and no one was angry with it for a long time. Not even the mother sheep, the shepherd or the sheepdogs.
Continue reading →Little Mermaid
Once upon a time, far away in the deep ocean where the water was very clear and blue, a king ruled the underwater world and the sea people. In the underwater world, beautiful trees and colorful flowers grew. There were also beautiful animals and all kinds of fish. The sea people lived in harmony.
Continue reading →The Ugly Duckling
One day in early spring, a mama duck was impatiently walking around the eggs in her nest, waiting for all her ducklings to hatch. Suddenly, she heard the first “crunch”. One of the yellow ducklings was coming into the world. And soon, she heard the cluck a second and a third time. Only the fourth, the biggest of the eggs, still nothing. The mama duck circled around it, pecking at it with her beak to urge it on, but the duckling in the egg had yet to hatch.
Continue reading →Twelve-headed dragon
Once there was a poor farmer who had a bunch of children. He no longer had anyone in the village to ask to be the godfather of his last, newly born son. So he decided to sit down by the road and ask the first person who passed by to be his son’s godfather.
Continue reading →The Three Little Pigs
Once upon a time there were three little pigs who lived in a meadow by the forest. They were happy for a long time, and lacked nothing. Until one day the youngest pig came with bad news. He heard from a wise owl, who always kept track of everything, that a wolf was in the area.
Continue reading →About Disobedient Goats
In a lovely little house by the forest there lived a goat with her baby goats. The goats were very mischievous and often did not want to obey their mother. One day the mother goat had to go out to graze and before leaving she told the baby goats, “Keep the door closed until you hear my voice. I’ll bring you an udder full of milk.”
Continue reading →Cook, pot, cook
At the edge of a small village, a poor widow and her daughter lived in a house with a flimsy thatched roof. They had nothing but a modest roof over their heads and a few chickens. Mostly they ate only what their mother gathered in the woods in the summer, and the only money they had was what their daughter earned by selling eggs at the market. At least it could buy bread and warm shoes for the winter.
Continue reading →Smolíček
Once upon a time there was a little boy called Smolíček who lived with a deer with golden antlers. The deer took care of Smolíček, but always warned him not to open the door to anyone when he was home alone.
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