Fawn named Felix

Fawn Named Felix

Autumn was ending and winter was about to start at any moment. Forest animals were gathering their last stores of food, while others were making their dens more comfortable and ready for winter hibernation. A little fawn named Felix lived in the forest as well. He had been born several months ago, so he hadn’t experienced winter yet. But he really liked autumn. He kept on jumping in the fallen leaves and tossing pinecones around. The leaves were so soft and so pretty and colorful!

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The Fairytale Grandfather

The Fairytale Grandfather

In a land far, far away, there stood a cottage. It looked like a gingerbread house, but it wasn’t one. It was made completely from wood. Its windows were painted, and fragrant wood smoke always rose from its chimney. Inside this cottage lived a fairytale grandfather. He was the best at telling fairytales. Children and animals from far and wide would come to him to listen to his stories.

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Badgers Monty and Biscuit

Badgers Monty And Biscuit

Deep in the woods, in a big den, there lived a family of badgers. Father badger, mother badger, and their two lively, beautiful children. They were two badger boys. Their names were Monty and Biscuit. They were both very good. They helped their parents with everything. They helped them build complicated dens and look for food all over the forest. Their parents were very proud of them. But Monty and Biscuit were also full of energy and constantly came up with all sorts of ideas. They liked to play chase and hide and seek and were good friends with other animals. They were brave boys who weren’t afraid of anything. But one day something happened that scared them after all.

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Nighttime Visit

Nighttime Visit

The story I will tell you now took place at night. A ray of moonlight appeared in the sky, the stars were glistening like dewdrops on a black canvas, and the ground was covered with a bright white blanket of snow. All the children were already sleeping nicely in their beds. Only one little boy was gazing outside through his window. His brown hair was disheveled, his pajamas wrinkled, and even though it was quite late, his eyes were wide open. His eyes were fixed upon the sky, waiting.

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Of Imp Bert And The Winter Fairy

Of Imp Bert And The Winter Fairy

In a magical, fairytale land there lived a lot of imps. They lived nicely beneath the ground in their den. It was warm and cozy. They were good imps. They made sure that things above ground were in order and kept a nice fire going below the ground. If someone was being unjust or mean, they took them to their den for some time and put them to work. But if someone was kind, they helped them with their magical spells.

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Derring-Do The Dragon

Derring Do The Dragon

Far away from here there is a fairytale land. It’s all white, covered with snow. Everywhere the eye can see, a snowy white blanket is glistening. Winter dragons live in this land. They are huge. They fly quietly, watching everything around them. They help people and fairytale creatures who live there to stay warm. Their most frequent task is making fires. Fire is the only thing in this fairytale winter land that can bring warmth, which is why it’s so important for the dragons to help with this. They simply need to blow a little bit of their fiery breath at a piece of wood and fire appears.

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