Carlton and The Book Adventure

Carlton And The Book Adventure

The entire city had already gone to sleep, except for a small light shimmering in one window. It was in an attic room. There, beneath the covers, a small boy named Carlton was hiding. He was shining a flashlight at the book he was reading. He was supposed to have been asleep for a long time now. He liked books and reading so much that he couldn’t tear himself away from them. Right now, he was reading about two friends saving a koala bear from poachers. Both boys were in danger and their koala too. It was very suspenseful. Carlton was literally devouring each word. When he turned the page, something strange appeared instead of the next part of the story. A sort of a magical incantation – words written in a different font.

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How The Animals Saved A Tree

How The Animals Saved A Tree

In the middle of one deep forest, there stood an mighty old oak tree. It had a beautiful crown, and its leaves were talked about far and wide. Its trunk was so huge that not even ten adults could circle it together with their arms. It had stood there for many years. And because it was so old, it was the wisest tree in the forest. Animals from all around came to it. Squirrels would come ask where the best nuts were, bears would come to complain about disobedient children, and birds would beg for permission to build their nests in it. None of the animals could imagine the forest without it.

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About the little swallow

Tales for Reading - About The Little Swallow

As we all know, swallows are migrating birds. This means, children, that when it starts to get cold outside, swallows spread their wings and fly to warmer countries to keep warm. But when we get warmer weather and warm sunshine again, they will happily return to us. And this story is about a little swallow going to warm countries with her family before winter.

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When A Star Falls

When A Star Falls

Two children lay on a large meadow full of flowers. A girl called Claire and a boy called Oliver. Claire was an adorable girl with green eyes like a cat’s and fair hair. Oliver was her best friend, with tousled hair and big eyes. They did everything together. They couldn’t even remember ever being without one another. Oliver protected Claire and helped her, and she liked him very much. They both liked the stars. And so every night, as darkness fell and little lights began appearing in the sky, they would lay down next to each other in the meadow and look at them.

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The River Sprites

The River Sprites

Far away from here, there is a small, pretty village. Several small houses with colorful roofs stand there, a few trees grow there, and many flowers too. A small river runs past this village. It looks like any other river, but very few know that this river is a home to the river sprites. Their tiny houses are hiding all along the river. They are these small chambers and tunnels dug under the banks.

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The Mouse Kaia And The Mouse Lilli

The Mouse Kaia And The Mouse Lilli

In an oak house deep in the forest, there lived a mouse named Kaia. She was a nice little mouse. She wore pink bows between her ears and pretty dresses. She took diligent care of her home and was friends with all the animals in the forest. In front of her home there was a garden where she grew vegetables. She picked her fruits in the forest. And that’s where her friend, mouse Lilli, lived as well. Her home was quite close to mouse Kaia’s. They visited each other and went for walks in the forest together. But now Lilli hasn’t come to see Kaia for a long time. Little mouse Kaia was worried about her friend and decided to visit her and find out what was happening.

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