Animals and robbers

Fairy Tales for Children - Animals and robbers

In one village there was a mill on the bank of a river where a clever donkey helped the miller with his hard work for many years. But as time went on, the donkey grew older and did a little less work each year. Eventually the miller decided that the old donkey was no longer of any use to him, and instead of thanking him for his years of help, he drove the donkey out, saying: “Get out of here, you’re no use to me anyway.”

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Salt over gold

Stories for Children - Salt over gold

 Beyond the seven mountains and seven rivers there was a land where it was a joy to live. The forests rustled, the meadows greened and the streams gurgled. The land was ruled by an old king who had three daughters. He knew that he would not have the strength to rule forever, so he decided early on to choose a successor from among his three daughters. And who should be the one to succeed him on the royal throne? He thought he’d pass the scepter to the daughter who loved him the most.

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Tom Thumb

Stories for Children - Tom Thumb

Once there was a married couple who loved each other very much and got along well. Only one thing bothered them – they had no children yet, although they wanted one so much. One day, fortune finally smiled on them and a baby boy was born. He was as small as a thumb, so they named him Tom Thumb.

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How the unicorn defeated the vegetable

Fairy Tales for Children - How the unicorn defeated the vegetable

Once there was a family of unicorns living in a rainbow meadow. Right next to the meadow they had a field with carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, peas and other vegetables that all unicorns love to eat to stay healthy. All of them, except the biggest unicorn and the leader of the herd, who liked to call himself Sweethorn. He loved sweets. He liked to sneak into town and be fed candy, chocolate and cookies by the children. If he had to eat vegetables at home, he refused.

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