Magical fairy tales

In a secluded spot by the forest there was a beautiful wooden house. Around it there were only trees and meadows. There were dogs guarding the garden, sheep grazing and a cat running around. In the pigsty, a piglet lazed around, and outside, deer and squirrels occasionally walked past the building. The house smelled of wood. Two children lived there. A boy and a girl.

Arthur and Lottie were inseparable. They did everything together. They farmed the house with their father. They helped him take care of the animals, went for walks in the woods together, and had many adventures together. But the greatest adventures always came at night before bedtime.

Fairy Tale For Children - Magical Fairy Tales
Magical Fairy Tales, Annie I.

Because Daddy loved his children so much, he always told them a bedtime story. He made the stories up himself. But it wasn’t just any story. Every bedtime story Daddy told them really came to life. When Arthur and Lottie went to their beds in the evening, Papa sat down beside them and said the magic words before he began to tell the story. “Fairy, fairy we call you again, show yourself to us in your beauty.” And then he began to tell the story and the real adventure began for everyone. The children experienced everything that was happening in the story. When the fairy tale of the flying carpet was being told, their mat in the nursery began to fly. When Daddy was telling them about the talking carrots and cucumbers, vegetables were jumping on their blankets. Once there was even a story about a trip in the sky and their whole house lifted up and flew with them among the stars. When Daddy finished telling the story everything was quiet and the children fell asleep.

These were the most beautiful moments for Artur and Lottie. But not only because they had so many adventures. But also because they were moments with their father. I guess everyone wishes they knew the magic spell that would make a fairy tale come alive. But, even if you don’t know it, that’s okay. You can still make every night magical. Lie in bed at night, call your mom or dad and enjoy every moment you can with them. You might be surprised at how magical your parents are.

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