Somewhere nearby, in a summer hour, a little bunny got a flower.
It was a beautiful summer day. Bing Bunny was at home snacking on vegetables when someone rang the doorbell.
Continue reading →Somewhere nearby, in a summer hour, a little bunny got a flower.
It was a beautiful summer day. Bing Bunny was at home snacking on vegetables when someone rang the doorbell.
Continue reading →Do you know what a meteorite is? It’s a rock that flies through space and falls to earth on our planet Earth. And this story is about one such meteorite.
Continue reading →Once upon a time in a far-off land there lived a poor boy. His name was Aladdin. Every day he walked through the markets among the people, he liked the hustle and bustle and he loved to look at all the beautiful things the merchants offered. But he could only look, for he and his mother were poor and could not afford any of it.
Continue reading →In one pond there lived a frog who only knew his pond and a few puddles. But she could tell a wonderful story about where she had been, what she had seen and what she could do. She told it so convincingly that those who did not know her easily believed that she was telling the truth.
Continue reading →Once there lived a little girl who had golden hair. That’s why everyone called her Goldilocks. The little girl often went to the forest to pick mushrooms, raspberries and strawberries. But once she went far and got lost. She walked for a long time and still couldn’t find the way home. She only got deeper into the forest.
Continue reading →Once upon a time, there was a forest in which lived a fox. She had her burrow there and had no shortage of food either. The only thing that bothered her were hunters. Once in a while there was a hunt in the forest and all the animals were looking for shelter.
Continue reading →Masha and the bear went into the forest to listen to the birds singing beautifully. The bear wanted to teach Masha how to recognize a bird by its song. They sat down on a stone warmed by the sun and listened.
Continue reading →One day, Mrs. Hare asked Masha and Bear if they could look after her two little rascals – little bunnies, who were sleeping peacefully in the pram. Masha and the bear agreed. That will be easy, they will be sleeping. And by the time they wake up, their mother will be back from shopping.
Continue reading →It was Masha’s nameday that day. She got a beautiful ring with a coloured stone from her mother. She liked it very much and immediately went to show it to the bear.
Continue reading →It was a warm autumn, the sun was shining and Masha and the bear went to play in the forest.
“Let’s have a race,” suggested Masha. “Whoever runs to the big stump first wins.”
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