How the unicorn defeated the vegetable

Fairy Tales for Children - How the unicorn defeated the vegetable

Once there was a family of unicorns living in a rainbow meadow. Right next to the meadow they had a field with carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, peas and other vegetables that all unicorns love to eat to stay healthy. All of them, except the biggest unicorn and the leader of the herd, who liked to call himself Sweethorn. He loved sweets. He liked to sneak into town and be fed candy, chocolate and cookies by the children. If he had to eat vegetables at home, he refused.

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Armida is looking for an ice tiger

Short Bedtime Stories - Armida is looking for an ice tiger

Armida went in search of the Ice Tiger, the sorcerer who alone could lift the curse from her land and create spring again. But his castle was far away, and before her stretched white and endless fields of snow. Armida was frozen to the bone, the wind leaning against her and slowing her down, and on top of that she was sinking into the snow that was falling at the moment.

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Bulls and frogs

Short Stories for Children - Bulls and frogs

Once there were two bulls which lived in a green meadow where many beautiful flowers were blooming. And they were always wrestling each other, trying to drive each other out of the meadow. Their wrestling was watched by the animals around them. The rabbits hopped with excitement, the squirrels cheered the bulls from the high branches of the trees, only the sheep chewed the grass quietly, not seeming to care much about the wrestling.

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Bing Bunny has a toothache

Stories for Children - Bing Bunny has a toothache

Somewhere behind seven mountains and seven lakes, little bunny’s tooth aches. 

Bing bunny was hiding under the bench and didn’t want to come out at any cost. This morning at breakfast time he bit into a carrot and it gave him a toothache. Flop told him he had to go to the dentist. But Bing was very, very afraid of her. 

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