About a wandering star

When we look up at the sky at night, we see beautiful twinkling lights. These twinkling lights are the beautiful stars that watch us from the universe.

And that’s how one little beautiful star, Izarka, lived in the universe. One day little star Izarka went on a trip. She wanted to discover other beauties of the universe and make friends. One day, little Izarka disconnected from her home, where she was happily shining and growing, and set out to explore the nearby constellations. She wanted to make friends, other stars, because she felt very lonely. The constellation looked close, but it really wasn’t close at all. The star sprang into action and travelled merrily through universe – like a ship sailing on a great ocean.

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About a wandering star

As the star flew through space, she couldn’t help and admire the beauty she saw. Everywhere there were beautiful shining stars or planets. She knew she was a long way from her home, but she didn’t mind, she was ready to experience something new. As she flew through the beautiful and big universe, she got closer and closer to the new constellations. Her strength was running out and the flame was slowly fading, so Izarka decided to rest near a planet she could see far below her.

“Wow! What a beautiful planet!” Izarka said to herself. While she was replenishing her strength, she spoke to the beautiful planet that was below her. She was far away, but Izarka believed that with her magical star power, she could make the planet hear her.

“Hi, I’m Izarka,” spoke the little star. The green-blue beautiful planet began to spin merrily around the little star with excitement.

“I am Earth, thank you for coming to see me, I can finally grow with your help!” Spoke the little planet. The little star smiled sweetly and watched from a distance as the little planet circled around her happily.

“Shall we be friends?” joined another, red asteroid. Izarka began to shine with joy like never before.

“Yes!” the little star said cheerfully, watching as her new friends joined her. She had never had so many friends! So many beautiful planets had come to greet her. The planets danced beautifully around her, always complimenting her on how beautifully she shone and how it warmed their hearts. The star and the planets became inseparable friends. Every day they watched together the distant stars or the wonders that were happening in the universe.

“But we must give you another name Izarka,”planet Earth spoke up one day.

“The sun! We’ll call you Sun!” shouted the cheerful green and blue planet Earth. Beautiful Izarka was delighted with her new name and decided that she didn’t need to look for new stars because she had already found her friends, the planets, and was determined to shine faithfully for ever and ever. And the planets were determined to dance happily around her. And that’s how the solar system came into being.

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